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Examples of work 

Patient and public involvement and engagement (Academia) 

  • Leadership, strategy development, co-creation and implementation

    • Leadership, design and implementation of a PPI/E strategy - NIHR Biomedical Research Centre & Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London

    • Leadership and co-creation of a PPI/E strategy - West London Genomic Medicine Centre

    • Leadership, design and implementation of a Service User Involvement in Research strategy, Faculty of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University ​

  • Consultancy, facilitation and development, coaching and mentoring

    • Consultancy on the Healthwatch Strategy 2018/19, Healthwatch CWL

    • Consultancy, guidance and coaching provided to the 19 NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre theme teams; coaching and mentoring to researchers - all levels

    • Guidance, facilitation and development provided to the NIHR Imperial Diagnostic Evidence Centre, Health Research Protection Units, researchers and students

    • Capacity building, coaching, mentoring for research and patient and public involvement  to academics - all levels, Faculty of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University

  •  Teaching and training

    • Series of seminars and workshops: 'Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement, Principles, Benefits and Challenges', 'Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in Clinical Trials', 'Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement: Funding Proposals and Applications', NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre & Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London

    • Design, development and delivery of postgraduate and online professional modules 'Leading in Patient and Public Involvement', 'Patient and Public Involvement in Commissioning', Faculty of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University

    • Design, development and delivery of postgraduate sessions on 'Patient and Public Involvement', University of West Attica, Athens, Greece.            

  • Co-creation, co-design and co-production
    • ​Partnership in Social Care at a time of cuts - Service users' stories (service user led research project, internally funded), London South Bank University

    • Co-design of services - Analysis of video footage with service users of NHS Barking and Dagenham (NHS Barking and Dagenham), London South Bank University

  • Engagement, research and evaluation projects 

    • WLCCG Urgent Care Review Engagement - Half Penny Steps Walk in Service: Patient, Public and Community Engagement (Healthwatch CWL)

    • Healthwatch assessment of primary care communications over winter 2016/2017 (Healthwatch CWL)

    • Assisting the Wandsworth Primary Care Trust with their patient and public engagement strategy for the Putney Primary Care Centre development (Wandsworth PCT), The College of Health​


Patient-centred services (health and social care)

  • Research & Evaluation projects (see also National, European & International projects below)

    • Supporting Three Cs to evaluate its services - Three C's Transition and Outreach Services (Three Cs), London South Bank University

    • Age Concern Pilot for Ask about Medicines prompt cards (Doctor Patient  Partnership), The College of Health

    • Improving GP Services in Stowmarket: Survey of local residents (Central Suffolk PCT), The College of Health


​Patient experience (health and social care)

  • Research & Evaluation projects (see also National, European & International projects below)

    • An exploration of eth​nic communities' perceptions and support systems for individuals affected by prostate cancer in East London (Whipps Cross University Trust), London South Bank University

    • An audit evaluation of Pan-London TB services and training needs (NHS London), London South Bank University

    • Parents' experiences and expectations of antenatal and neonatal care services in London (London Neonatal Specialised Commissioning Group), The College of Health 


​Engagement and research methods (Academia, Healthwatch, Charities) 

  • Teaching and training​

    • Research and Engagement: Approaches and Methods for Healthwatch - Series of training days (Healthwatch CWL)

    • Engaging mental health services' users and their carers of the Lambeth Living Well Collaborative in evaluation and research: Collaborative training and support in qualitative research methods and tools (Guys and St Thomas Charity), London South Bank University 

    • Design, development, delivery and assessment of the 'Qualitative research approaches and analysis' elements of postgraduate module (including ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory, etc - over 5 years), London South Bank University

    • Design, development and delivery of postgraduate sessions on 'Research Methods', 'Quantitative Methods and Analysis', 'Writing for Publication', Faculty of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University

    • Design, development and delivery of postgraduate sessions on 'Qualitative Methods', 'Evidence Based Practice', 'Meta-synthesis', 'Writing for Publication', University of West Attica, Athens, Greece.  


National projects

  • Nurses and Patient and Public Involvement: A consultation in Four Strategic Health Authorities in England (Royal College of Nursing), London South Bank University

  • An Evaluation of Advanced Access in General Practice (NHS Service Delivery and Organisation Research and Development Programme), London South Bank University

  • Use of touch screens to portray patient choice (in relation to hard to reach groups in particular) (Access, Booking and Choice Directorate, NHS), The College of Health

  • NHS Information Authority - Owner's Manual project: Literature review & Consultations (NHS Information Authority), The College of Health

  • Development of an evaluation tool for the UKCC Strategy for Public Involvement (UKCC), The College of Health


European & International Projects

  • Patient Empowerment in England and Greece: Cross-national Settings, Organisational Implementation, Systems and Cultures (PhD Thesis), Faculty of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University

  • Handling Complaints in Health and Social Care: International Lessons for England (NHS London), Faculty of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University



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