Publications - Peer Reviewed Journals
Boudioni M, McLaren S, Lister G (2018). Patient empowerment: its implementation and systems within hospitals in England and Greece. Health Services Management Research 31(4): 180-194. DOI: 10.1177/0951484817752628. (
Boudioni M, McLaren S, Lister G (2017). A critical analysis of national policies, systems, and structures of patient empowerment in England and Greece. Patient Preference and Adherence 11: 1657-1669. DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S144028 (
Boudioni M, McLaren S, Lister G (2017) The role of citizenship and voluntary community organisations towards patient empowerment in England and Greece. International Journal of Caring Science 10(1): 303-312. (
Boudioni M, Hallett N, Lora C, Couchman W (2015) More than what the eye can see: the emotional journey and experience of powerlessness of integrated care services’ users and carers. Patient Preference and Adherence 9: 29-540. DOI: [10.2147/PPA.S77573 (
Boudioni M, McLaren S (2014) Diversity and scope of senior nurses’ informal and formal experiences of patient and public involvement in England. Open Journal of Nursing 4: 198-210. DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2014.43024 (
Boudioni M, McLaren S (2013) Challenges and facilitators for patient and public involvement in England: focus groups with senior nurses. Open Journal of Nursing 3: 472-480. DOI: 10.4236/ojn.2013.37064 (
Boudioni M, McLaren S, Lister G (2012) Cross-national diagnostic analysis of patient empowerment in England and Greece. International Journal of Caring Sciences 5(3): 246-263.
Fouka G, Plakas S, Taket A, Boudioni M (2012) Health-related religious rituals of the Greek Orthodox Church : their uptake and meanings. Journal of Nursing Management 20: 1058-1068. DOI: 10.1111/jonm.12024 (
Belling R, McLaren S, Boudioni M, Woods L (2012) Pan-London Tuberculosis Services: A Service Evaluation. BMC Health Services Research 12: 203-218. DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-12-203. (
Weinstein J, Boudioni M (2011) Joint Programmes – Give them a second thought. The value of programmes leading to dual nursing and social work qualifications. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 6 (3): 128-134. (
Boudioni M, McLaren S, Belling R, Woods L (2011) Listening to those on the frontline: service users’ experiences of tuberculosis and London Tuberculosis Services. Patient Preference and Adherence 5: 267- 277. DOI: [10.2147/PPA.S20361] (
Plakas S, Boudioni M, Fouka G, Taket A (2011) The role of religiosity as a coping resource for relatives of critically ill patients in Greece. Contemporary Nurse 99 (1): 105-115. (
O’Connor L, Cecil B, Boudioni M (2009) Preparing for Practice: An Evaluation of an Undergraduate Social Work ‘Preparation for Practice’ Module. Social Work Education 28(4): 436-454.
McLaren S, Woods L, Boudioni M, Lemma F, Tavabie A (2008) Implementing a strategy to promote lifelong learning in the primary care workforce: an evaluation of leadership roles, change management approaches, interim challenges and achievements. Quality in Primary Care 16(3): 147-155(9). (
Boudioni M, McLaren SM, Woods LP, Lemma F (2007) Lifelong learning, its facilitators and barriers in primary care settings: a qualitative study. Primary Health Care Research and Development 8: 157-169. ( care-research-and-development/article/lifelong-learning-its-facilitators-and-barriers-in-primary-care-settings-a-qualitative-study/F4FFB9AF1EB2EBE74DFE719C1F92483C)
McLaren S, Woods L, Boudioni M, Lemma F, Rees S, Broadbent S (2007) Developing the general practice manager role: managers’ experiences of engagement in continuing professional development. Quality in Primary Care 15 (2): 85-91. (
Lemma F, McLaren S, Boudioni M, Woods LP (2007) Training experiences, educational priorities and career plans of primary care staff. Education in Primary Care 18 (1): 67-75. (
Woods L, Boudioni M, McLaren S, Lemma F (2006) Delivering the Quality Agenda: The experience of implementing appraisal systems in Primary Care. Quality in Primary Care 14: 21-7. (
Boudioni M, Mossman J, Boulton M, Hardy P (2004) Differences in enquiries to CancerBACUP information service by living arrangements. European Journal of Cancer Care 13 (1); 6-10. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2354.2003.00432.x (
Boudioni M (2003) Availability and use of information touch-screen kiosks (to facilitate social inclusion). Aslib Proceedings 55(5/6); 320-333. DOI: 10.1108/00012530310498897 (
Boudioni M, McPherson K, Moynihan C, Melia J, Boulton M, Leydon G, Mossman J (2001) Do men with prostate or colorectal cancer seek different information and support from women with cancer? British Journal of Cancer 85(5); 641-648. DOI: [10.1054/bjoc.2001.1945] (
Boulton M, Boudioni M, Mossman J, Moynihan C, Leydon G, Ramirez A (2001) ‘Dividing the desolation’: Clients views on the benefits of a cancer counselling service. Psycho-Oncology 10; 124-136. (
Boudioni M, Mossman J, Boulton M, Ramirez A, Moynihan C, Leydon G (2000) An evaluation of a cancer counselling service. European Journal of Cancer Care 9; 212-220. (
Leydon G M, Boulton M, Moynihan C, Jones A, Mossman J, Boudioni M, McPherson K (2000) Faith, hope, and charity: An in-depth interview study of cancer patients’ information needs and information-seeking behavior. Western Journal of Medicine 320 (7239): 909-913. PMCID: PMC1070966 PMID: 10903285
Leydon GM, Boulton M, Moynihan C, Jones A, Mossman J, Boudioni M, McPherson K (2000) Cancer patients’ information needs and information seeking behaviour: In depth interview study. British Medical Journal 320 (7239): 909-913. PMCID: PMID: 10742000 PMCID: PMC27332 (
Boudioni M, McPherson K, Mossman J, Boulton M, Jones AJ, King J, Wilson E, Slevin ML (1999) An analysis of first time enquirers to the CancerBACUP Information Service: Variations with cancer site, demographic status and geographic location. British Journal of Cancer 79(1); 138-145. PMCID: PMC2362157 PMID: 10408705 (
Mossman J, Boudioni M, Slevin ML (1999) Cancer information: a cost-effective intervention. European Journal of Cancer Care 35 (11); 1587-1591. DOI: (
Boudioni M, Mossman J, Jones AJ, Leydon G, McPherson K (1998) Celebrity’s death from cancer resulted in increased calls to CancerBACUP. British Medical Journal 317; 1016. PMCID: PMC1114026 PMID: 9765182 (
Publications - Book Chapters
Mossman J, Boudioni M (2000) Information and support for prostate cancer patients. In New Perspectives in Prostate Cancer, Beldegrun A et al ed, 2nd ed, pp 319-324, ISIS Medical Media, Oxford. (
Mossman J, Boudioni M (1998) Charity support for prostate cancer. In New Perspectives in Prostate Cancer, Belldegrun A et al ed, pp 416-421, ISIS Medical Media, Oxford. (
Publications - Research Reports (most recent)
Benjamin C, Boudioni M, Ward H, Marston E, Lindenmeyer A, Bangee M, Cook Lucas J, Leavey R, Caulfield M, Fowler T, Lucassen A, Rennie F, Riley L, Parker M, Parry V, Thomas E, Patch C, Cranage A, Dinh L (2016) NHS Genomic Medicine Centres National Service Evaluation of the Consent Process and Participant Materials used in the 100,000 Genomes Project: Summary, Project Report, Background Document. Liverpool: NHS North West Coast NHS Genomic Medicine Centre. (